
Cheap Ways to Put Some Springtime Sparks Back Into Your Relationship

Mar 07, 2018Reading Time: 4 min

Sometimes with all of the different directions life pulls us in, relationships can take a back seat. Going on date nights and adventures add up and sometimes the time and money just aren't there for you and your S.O to reconnect. But springtime is a time of renewal and you can renew that fun and excitement for less. With a few simple ideas, you’re sure to ignite a spark in your relationship even on a budget.  

Get back to the FUN-damentals

Most of the time, relationships start out with an immense amount of fun. As couples are often in the infatuation stage, most annoyances have not yet become apparent and a lot of time is devoted to spending with the other person. Most of this time is full of fun activities which can be reintroduced to the relationship at any time. Try adrenaline producing activities, such as skydiving or even watching a scary movie, to help create a bond. In the beginning, you are more willing to spend the dough to have those adventures together but as time goes on, financial belts get tighter.

Creative activities that are more affordable, like Painting or a couples craft, can be fun as well and can give you time to reconnect. Make new memories exploring the city together locally to save money on distant travel, and always feel the presence of your partner!  

Read them like a book

Have you taken time to listen to your significant other lately? The 5 love languages by Gary Chapman encourages partners to learn each other’s love languages to better show that love. Use this idea to really tune into something your partner needs or wants. Have they mentioned anything they would like lately? A special gift or maybe quality time? Without spending too much spend some time and effort thinking about them and what might make their day. A simple gesture that cost you a few bucks will save you in the long run. Additionally, picking up some relationship books may also be a lifesaver for your relationship, as they contain many tips, tricks, and ideas that can be very useful.

The fine art of instrumentation

It has been said that being in love is like playing an instrument. At first, you learn how to play new things and may not play very well, but then as you get more and more experienced, you learn how to play better and better, and you learn fine-tuning and nuances of your instrument. Think back to what you have learned about your partner and how well you know them. Does he or she like food? Bring them to a new restaurant or food experience. Trying a new cuisine and look for discounts on restaurant openings or have fun at a great all-you-can-eat deal. 

Fan the flames

Sometimes adult interaction is what is needed. However, it can feel awkward or uncomfortable to bring up the subject or be the one who initiates these activities. A great place to start is adding a few small changes that are affordable. You don't have to buy expensive French lingerie but simple additions like candles, oils, and music can be an affordable and simple way to create the ambiance you want.  Try a specialty store or two to find what you’re looking for. 

Spring is the perfect time to improve your relationship and bring it to the level that you desire. Just like everything else, a relationship takes work and time and can become stale without attention. With just a few small tips and tricks, you just may be on the road to a high level of happiness.