Finding ways to pinch pennies can be found at every corner and with a little fortitude, you can put extra dollars into your savings account every month. There are so many hacks out there that make everyday chores easier, and we have put together a list of five fantastic hacks that will save you both time and money.
Tub, Tile and Bathroom Cleaning
If you have ever had issues with keeping your bathroom looking sparkly and new because of water spots or soap scum buildup, this hack will make you breathe a breath of fresh air. Many of the commercial cleaners are both expensive and not pleasant to smell. Instead, grab a large jug of vinegar and BLUE Dawn. In a 32oz spray bottle add 1 cup of blue Dawn and fill the rest with vinegar. Give it a good shake before using. Then spray onto your tub and shower enclosure and let it stand for a few hours. Rinse with water and buff with a dry cloth. Your shower will look brand new, and you will accomplish this at a fraction of the cost of most heavy duty bathroom cleaners.
Stainless Steel Polishing
If you are finding that your stainless steel appliances are always looking streaky after you have cleaned them, don’t fret. Instead of purchasing a high priced stainless steel cleaner, first, wash with dish soap and water. After you have dried the appliances, take out a bottle of olive oil! Apply to a cloth and wipe the surface of the stainless steel appliance with the direction of the grain. You do not need much on your cleaning rag, but the result will amaze you.
Dryer Sheets
Dryer sheets have so many uses after you have thrown them in the dryer. Instead of purchasing refills for dusting wands, keep all of your used dryer sheets and adhere them to the duster head with a few elastic bands. Dryer sheets will pick up the dust quickly and easily. Use dryer sheets for dusting any electronics as well. Have some bugs stuck to your windows and bumpers of your vehicles? Try wetting a dryer sheet to remove the bugs without scratching your paint finish. You can also use dryer sheets to polish the chrome on taps and faucets, take off deodorant stains on clothing, and as a blind cleaner.
Drain Cleaners
If you have a plugged drain, cleaning products that get rid of the problem can be costly. Instead look in your pantry for ingredients that will do the trick. You will need baking soda, white vinegar, and boiling water and a cover for the drain. First, pour in ½ cup baking soda followed by 1 cup vinegar. Cover the drain for about 15 minutes then flush the drain with the boiling water. No harsh chemicals and extra money in your pocket!
Finding inexpensive ways to clean your home is an excellent way to save time and money. You also don’t have to worry about using harsh chemicals or inhaling fumes. Try your hand at some of the above tips and watch your savings grow with every polish, dusting, and clean you do.