released a survey conducted by Harris Interactive that indicated married individuals are more likely to use promotional codes when shopping online. The survey explains 71% of married adults who shop online use coupon codes at least sometimes compared to 63% of single online shoppers who say the same. The results were taken from a sample size of 2,085 U.S. adults.
Online promotional codes and coupons have become more prevalent among retailers in recent years while other events such as the economic downturn have caused consumers to be more inclined to savvy saving techniques. More people than ever are taking new approaches to financial issues, such as unmarried couples buying homes together in order to take advantage of low interest rates and home prices.
“More married partners are now each involved in financial decisions as money topics are becoming more widely discussed in our society than in decades past, and many of these conversations start early in the relationship,” said consumer savings expert, Regina Novickis. “As the survey results suggest, perhaps having another person to hold one accountable leads to more conservative financial habits.”
Looking for online coupons is not the only way married couples are more likely to cash in on savings however, as married couples can save on income taxes, health insurance premiums, housing and more. In fact, Lisa Arnold and Christina Campbell of The Atlantic claimed in January that a single woman making $80,000 a year could end up spending $1,022,096 more over her lifetime than a married woman earning the same income. This supported their belief that being single in America is more costly than being married.
The survey data also delved into online coupon usage based on other key demographic breakdowns such as age, household size, education level, salary and more. Other key survey takeaways include:
74% of online shoppers with children in their household at least sometimes use coupon codes when shopping online, as compared to 67% of those without children present
Over 7 out of 10 (73%) of those with 3-4 members of their household at least sometimes use promotional codes when shopping online
76% of females (all ages) at least sometimes use promo codes when shopping online, as compared to 63% of males
32% of college graduates and those with higher education always/often use promotional codes when shopping online, as compared to 27% of those with a high school education or less
33% of those with a total yearly household income of $75,000 or more always/often use promotional codes when shopping online, as compared to 24% of those with a total yearly household income of less than $35,000
Are you married or single? How would you rate your financial savvy on scale from one to ten?