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FedEx Office was founded in 1970 by Paul Orfalea to provide printing, copying, binding, and shipping services that are reliable and efficient every time. If you’re looking to print documents, presentations, or posters; or ship personal and business packages, FedEx Office is your best option. Famous for their reliable delivery system, FedEx Office guarantees to get your package where it needs to be, when you need it there. Aside from offering standard, express, and international shipping options, FedEx Office can handle the packing for you. The pros at FedEx Office have a lot of experience with packing and shipping items of all shapes and sizes, so you can rest assured that your package is in good hands.
Services offered by FedEx Office include shipping, tracking, and printing. Some packages may need to be delivered urgently, and others may need to travel halfway around the world to get to their destination. FedEx Office offers different shipping options to suit those needs and more. Whether you need your package to be delivered urgently within hours across the country or city, or you prefer a more affordable option and your package isn’t in a hurry; you’ll find a shipping service that works for you from FedEx Office. FedEx Office has shipping and packing supplies that’ll make a great temporary home for your package while it’s in transit. The FedEx standard boxes come with plenty of cushioning and they’re the popular packaging choice, available in a range of different sizes. Items with a unique shape or size, or special packages that may need a little extra care require special packaging and FedEx has a wide selection of specialty boxes to fit your needs. Some examples of specialty boxes are the tablet box, golf club tube, and bike box. You can even order custom branded boxes so your packages will be delivered in boxes that have your unique logo, making your business stand out even more. If you check for FedEx Office coupons and deals, you can save on your next packaging purchase.
The FedEx Office Tracking service allows you to keep track of your package’s location, especially if you’re eagerly awaiting a home delivery. With the free FedEx Delivery Manager, you don’t have to worry about missing your packages if you’re not home. You’ll be able to request to redirect packages to secure locations such as FedEx Office and Walgreens and they’ll hold them for you up to 7 days. You can track your package by entering a FedEx tracking, door tag, or FedEx Office order number. Other tracking options include tracking by reference number or Transportation Control Number (TCN). By signing up for emails, you can get tips, deals, coupons, coupon codes for FedEx Office sent to your inbox, so you’ll save on your next purchase.
If you need printing services, FedEx Office has a wide array of printing products and solutions to bring your ideas to life. FedEx Office has printing solutions that will work for every project scale. You can print and design personal projects such as canvas prints, photo posters and invitations online or in-store. If you need to send out a message about your small business with flyers, posters, banners, or business cards; FedEx Office has just the right solutions for you. And if you’re on the larger end of the scale, you’ll find top range printing and parcel management solutions as big as your corporation. If you need help with designing business cards or anything else for your business, the FedEx Office support staff is available to guide you through the process online or in-store. Sign up for the FedEx Office Print Preferred Program to get great benefits like a 10% FedEx Office discount on products and services.
Sign up for My FedEx Rewards for a chance to earn rewards and save money. As a rewards member, you’ll receive FedEx Office discounts for shipping and printing with FedEx Office, every time you reach a rewards goal. Once you’ve reached your offer goal you can choose your reward from merchandise items and brand name gift cards. FedEx Office is available in thousands of locations including Walgreens and select grocery stores across the nation. To find a FedEx location near you, use the Find a Location feature by entering your zip code and you’ll be one step closer to the best printing, packaging, or shipping experience.
The FedEx Office mobile app allows you to easily print your photos or documents to any FedEx Office store or have it delivered to you. You can also search for a FedEx Office store near you through the app, and track orders and shipments. Printing is easy when you have the app. All you’ll need to do is upload a file for printing, or select a photo from your device storage and you’ll be set to go. You can also track the status of a shipment or job order from the app, with no hassle.
Follow FedEx Office on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube to get tips for using FedEx services like the FedEx Delivery Manager.
FedEx Office Saving Tips
-Check for FedEx Office promo codes for saving opportunities on your next purchase. -Use FedEx Office coupons to get discounts on your print order or packaging services. -Sign up for emails to get updates on FedEx Office deals, coupons, offers, news and tips sent to your inbox.