
About TaxSlayer Coupons and Deals

For those who want to streamline the tax filing process, there's TaxSlayer. Anyone can use TaxSlayer online tax filing software to complete their taxes faster than ever before. TaxSlayer even offers promo codes and discounts to help users save big, regardless of whether they are eligible for a tax refund.

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TaxSlayer Coupons and Deals

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TaxSlayer Coupons

Finishing a tax return may prove to be a long, complicated process. Fortunately, there's TaxSlayer, online software designed to help end users simplify tax filing.

TaxSlayer provides software to help individuals prepare and e-file their tax returns. The company offers many online tax products, and each product ensures users can complete their state and federal taxes faster than ever before.

For those who need to complete a simple tax return, TaxSlayer offers free online tax software. Anyone can register to use this software, and TaxSlayer makes it easy for users to add their tax information, perform calculations and file their taxes in minutes. Meanwhile, TaxSlayer also provides products for those with W-2s, 1099s and other tax forms. The company even offers products for contractors and freelancers that include lots of great features.

TaxSlayer enables users to file their taxes on any device, at any time. The company's software boasts a seamless design, and its user interface ensures users can file their tax returns on a desktop computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet.

In addition, TaxSlayer strives to provide an unbeatable blend of affordability, convenience and accuracy. TaxSlayer guarantees users will receive the maximum refund, or the company will refund the applicable TaxSlayer purchase price paid. Furthermore, TaxSlayer enables users to deduct TaxSlayer filing fees directly from a federal tax refund. Perhaps best of all, TaxSlayer offers a 100% accurate tax return guarantee; otherwise, TaxSlayer will reimburse users for any federal and/or state penalties and interest charges.

I Filed My Taxes, Now What?

I Filed My Taxes, Now What?

Congratulations! You’ve filed and sent your tax return. But now what? What to do? Well, it’s not over. Follow our guide to post-filing and take the next steps.